
I have been interested in health, fitness and natural remedies for several years now. I am not against conventional medicine, but believe that we need to take more time and responsibility keeping ourselves healthy in as natural way as possible. Our use of drugs, which can sometimes have harsh effects on our bodies, can then hopefully be kept to a minimum.

I became interested in reflexology when I suffered a period of ill-health and found that a few sessions of reflexology helped me enormously. I was fascinated to find out more about it, so studied for a year with the Bayly school of reflexology where I qualified with a diploma enabling me to practise as a qualified reflexologist.

The Bayly school of Reflexology was founded in 1978 by the late Doreen Bayly. It was the first Reflexology training school to be established in Great Britain. Mrs. Bayly had held training courses since the early 1960's and is considered by many to have been the pioneer of Reflexology in Great Britain.

I had the privilege of being taught by Nicola Hall FBRA who is one of the most experienced practitioners in the country.